Konrad Course

React & node
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This project is a custom-built front-end application developed in React. It was created to provide an user authentication system without relying on WordPress or other pre-existing solutions. The application allows users to register and log in, utilizing a custom API and an SQLite database to manage user data and blog post.

This project is a full-stack application developed for my students at the Hellichova Graphic School in Prague, where I teach web technologies and computer graphics. The application is built using React and features a user authentication system that enables users to register and log in. It interacts with a custom-built API while utilizing an SQLite database for efficient data storage and retrieval, which also supports the management of blog posts.

Key features include user registration, allowing users to create accounts by providing their details, and a secure login functionality that verifies credentials to grant access. The front-end seamlessly communicates with a RESTful API that manages user authentication and blog post data, ensuring smooth interactions between the client and server.

The application also includes a responsive design, providing a user-friendly interface accessible across various devices. Technologies used in the project encompass React for the frontend, Node.js and Express.js for the backend API, and SQLite as the database solution for managing user data, authentication tokens, and blog articles.

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