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The law firm Guardia commissioned a complete overhaul of their outdated WordPress website to align with current trends, requiring a new design filled with interactive elements and animations, including a creatively challenging mascot animation. The project faced challenges, such as incorporating an extensive, interactive chat feature and adapting to the client's evolving vision, which initially disregarded standard design principles. Despite delays in receiving materials and a significant redesign request post-delivery, agile development methods and effective communication allowed for the successful completion of a website that met the client's needs, showcasing the importance of flexibility and collaboration.

Guardia law firm approached me to redesign their outdated WordPress website and enhance it with custom animations, including their dachshund mascot. Due to the complexity of these interactive elements, I opted for the Webflow platform over WordPress. The project began with consultations and wireframes, followed by a collaborative design process in Figma, ensuring the client's vision was met.

A key feature was an interactive conversation between two fictional characters, Anna and Gustav, implemented using JavaScript and Lottie animations. I also developed a dynamic content management system (CMS) for easy updates, alongside a product recommendation form driven by user inputs. Custom animations were created in After Effects, bringing the website to life with engaging visuals.

Beyond the design and functionality, I managed seamless migration from WordPress, set up backups, and integrated key tools like Google Tag Manager and a cookie banner for compliance. Despite late material delivery from the client, the site was completed on time. Following launch, the client requested a redesign based on my initial suggestions, which was successfully delivered.


Měli jsme tu čest spolupracovat s Pavlem Konrádem při návrhu a následném převodu našich webovýchstránek na platformu Webflow. Pavel nám pomohl vyřešit mnoho problémů, se kterými jsme se potýkali, a to díky svému kreativnímu a ochotnému přístupu.

Od samého počátku naší spolupráce jsme ocenili jeho jistotu a spolehlivost při dodání veškeré práce. Vždy dodržel dohodnuté termíny a jeho flexibilita a schopnost rychle se přizpůsobit novým výzvám byly pro nás neocenitelné.

Co se týče osobního přístupu, Pavel se vždy snažil naslouchat našim potřebám a přáním. Pracoval s námi na budování vzájemné důvěry a respektu, což naši spolupráci činilo velmi příjemnou aefektivní. Díky němu máme nyní moderní a funkční webové stránky, které odpovídají našim představám.

Za společnost Guardia – Pavel Strnad

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